WinKeys ======= Winkeys is a simple and effective way to have upto 120 function keys available under windows. It allows you to use almost all of the available special keys used by windows such as the ALT and TAB keys. Each of the available 120 keys can have upto 442 characters assigned to them and to have variable delays between the sending of consecutive strings. To open Notepad Alt File Run c:\windows\notepad.exe Type into Notepad Hello, This is Cheshire Computer Services Type [RETURN] Type Please call 01625 860247 Type Alt File Saveas c:\ccs.txt Type [RETURN] This is what you would put into the key text : %FRC:\WINDOWS\NOTEPAD.EXE~Hello,{DELAY 1} This is Cheshire Computer Services~Please call 01625 860247~%FAC:\CCS.TXT~ Note the % key = alt, the ~ = enter and the {DELAY 1} waits for 1 second before sending the rest of the text. There are several more special keys that can be used and they are listed on the following pages. Using this method it is possible to send almost any keystrokes to any applications (Not DOS Based). To send text to an application, it is necessary to know which window to send the keystrokes. EG if you want to start an application, you will normally send the keystrokes to the window Program Manager. Program Manager is the window that holds all of the folders for your applications. To find out what the window is called, look at the title bar. This exact text is what is required in the Window Title field of WinKeys. The ability to have the function key window always on top (always visible) can have certain disadvantages, so there is within the configuration screen an option for special functions. In here you can tell WinKeys to always be on top or not. Also here you can set up the timer key. The timer key allows you to send the keystrokes from any of the defined function keys at set intervals. If you wanted to send the keys from function key 6 on level 8, you would put in level 8, key 6 and then specify the interval (in seconds) to send the keys. EG every hour = 3600 seconds, every 24 hours = 3600 X 24 = 86400. The few ground rules to successful functionkeying, are : 1 Always test the keystokes manually. 2 Be aware of any error conditions that may arise (EG File Not Found) from within the application that you are sending the keys to. 3 Where delays are required (slow machines etc..), use {DELAY xx} as part of the text. Key Code ---------------------------------------------------- Backspace {BACKSPACE} or {BS} or {BKS} Break {BREAK} Caps Lock {CAPSLOCK} Clear {CLEAR} Del {DELETE} or {DEL} Delay {DELAY xxxxx} where xx = Delay in seconds eg. 60 = 1 minute Down Arrow {DOWN} End {END} Enter {ENTER} or ~ Escape {ESCAPE} or {ESC} Help {HELP} Home {HOME} Insert {INSERT} Left Arrow {LEFT} Num Lock {NUMLOCK} Page Down {PGDN} Page Up {PGUP} Right Arrow {RIGHT} Scroll Lock {SCROLLLOCK} Tab {TAB} Up Arrow {UP} F1 {F1} . . . . F16 {F16} To specify keys with combinations of Alt, Shift and Control keys, precede the regular key code with one or more of the following codes : Key Code ---------------------------- Shift + Control ^ Alt % E.G. To send Alt F4 to an application use : %{F4} To send Shift ZZ : +Z+Z Also to send repeating keys use : To send Right Arrow 15 times use : {RIGHT 15} To send hhhhhhhhhh : {h 10} To delay for 5 seconds use : : {DELAY 5} SPIN.VBX and MSAFINX.DLL are required to be placed in the \windows\system directory.